Saturday, March 24, 2012

Getting to know you

 I was catching up on reading blog posts from some of my favorite blogs...and came upon a post over at Collide. It was a "getting to know you" post where Thea had been tagged by a blogger friend of hers. After reading all of her answers to the questions given to her...I saw she tagged 2 people. I was one. *EEEK*
I have never met Thea, but I LOVE reading her blog. Even though we live completely different lives, I get her. If any of you have ever read "Nurture" by Lisa Bevere, you understand.

ok so here I go...

1. Where is your dream vacation?
My dream vacation is to PARIS. ALL expenses paid....and at least 2 weeks long.

2. If you could have lunch with anyone from any time in history, who would it be and why.
My grandfather Jose Plata Sr. I was 12 years old when the Lord called him home. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him. I'd like to learn more of his testimony and how the Lord called him into ministry.

3. Do you like roller coasters? Nope.

4. Do you make a Christmas wish list (for yourself) each year?
No. I usually get gift cards from Catherine's, or Hobby Lobby though, and those are perfect for me!

5. The one song that always gets stuck in your head is...?
I don't have one song that gets stuck in my head. If there was a way for me to broadcast what goes on in my head, you would hear nothing but one song after the other. Nonstop. Seriously. I'm always singing in my mind.

6. What color is your toothbrush?
Pink and white.

7. What is your favorite movie?
Nacho Libre...Hands Down.

8. Would you rather forget your mom's birthday or Mother's Day?
Yikes...neither. I would be in so much trouble!

Here is a picture of my mother and I. I'm in the glasses.

9. What kind of car do you drive?
I drive my mothers Ford Expedition. I own a 98 Ford Escort ZX2 that has been out of commission for the past 6 months. (possibly longer)

There ya have it. A little about me wheather you wanted to know or now!

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