Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pain in the Gout!

I've been battling with gout for a while.

Gout is a kind of arthritis that occurs when uric acid builds up in blood and causes joint inflammation. 

My most recent (current) battle with gout had me severely limping a few days, and using crutches for one day.  It has traveled from one foot to another and seems to have decided that it wants to just mess with  my left knee now.  It's not nearly as bad as two summers ago though, when I was on crutches for over 2 months.  That was the worst.

Gout is a terrible thing.  When I had my first episode I was 24.  It landed me on the couch a full week.  It was the most intense pain I had ever known.  A single bed sheet placed gently on the affected area had me screaming and crying for hours. 

It has been about 13 years now since that first flare up.  When I had health insurance I was on a medication called allopurinol.  It didn't stop the flare ups completely, but it did help.

Now that I don't have insurance I'm trying my best to keep flare ups down.  I have read up on all sorts of home remedies and ways to keep uric acid levels low enough in my body to prevent attacks.

I've begun to learn my personal trigger foods that can cause a flare up for me.

shell fish
carbonated beverages both diet and non diet
crystal light and generic replicas of it.
hot dogs
whole milk
and sadly... most recently... churches fried chicken.

I drink LOADS of water to help flush the uric acid out of my system.... I eat cherries and  berries.  Unfortunately for me, another  factor in my flare ups are weather changes....and it has been rainy here in Texas lately.  Not good.

I know that losing weight will help out also, but I need low impact exercises and cannot afford a gym with a pool.  I can't even walk a mall without suffering the next day with some sort of gouty ache.

I think I'm feeling inspired to pull out my Jack Lalanne Juicer to help with the weight loss...

Do any of you juice?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Getting to know you

 I was catching up on reading blog posts from some of my favorite blogs...and came upon a post over at Collide. It was a "getting to know you" post where Thea had been tagged by a blogger friend of hers. After reading all of her answers to the questions given to her...I saw she tagged 2 people. I was one. *EEEK*
I have never met Thea, but I LOVE reading her blog. Even though we live completely different lives, I get her. If any of you have ever read "Nurture" by Lisa Bevere, you understand.

ok so here I go...

1. Where is your dream vacation?
My dream vacation is to PARIS. ALL expenses paid....and at least 2 weeks long.

2. If you could have lunch with anyone from any time in history, who would it be and why.
My grandfather Jose Plata Sr. I was 12 years old when the Lord called him home. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him. I'd like to learn more of his testimony and how the Lord called him into ministry.

3. Do you like roller coasters? Nope.

4. Do you make a Christmas wish list (for yourself) each year?
No. I usually get gift cards from Catherine's, or Hobby Lobby though, and those are perfect for me!

5. The one song that always gets stuck in your head is...?
I don't have one song that gets stuck in my head. If there was a way for me to broadcast what goes on in my head, you would hear nothing but one song after the other. Nonstop. Seriously. I'm always singing in my mind.

6. What color is your toothbrush?
Pink and white.

7. What is your favorite movie?
Nacho Libre...Hands Down.

8. Would you rather forget your mom's birthday or Mother's Day?
Yikes...neither. I would be in so much trouble!

Here is a picture of my mother and I. I'm in the glasses.

9. What kind of car do you drive?
I drive my mothers Ford Expedition. I own a 98 Ford Escort ZX2 that has been out of commission for the past 6 months. (possibly longer)

There ya have it. A little about me wheather you wanted to know or now!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What have I been up to?

I haven't been around here too much...I've been too tempted to use my blog to vent and I really don't want that.

Things around the home front are changing. I've been doing a lot of cleaning.  Rearranging.

I'm learning to deal with difficult situations.  Dealing with a forgiveness issue;  although I think I have forgiven, I'm just hurt and untrusting at this point.  But I won't talk about that.

What I will show you is what I've been up to.  In instagram of course.

Last week My niece and I decided to make "Lucky Charms" Treats.  Me being frugal used the generic version...but I feel they came out super yummy just the same.

I made a cute beanie last week.  I
have yet to take the etsy photos of it and put it up in the shop though.

I ordered large sized double pointed needles and am beefing up my knitting skills....hopefully I will have knitted items in my etsy shop for the winter.
I've been making more  crochet jewelry. As soon as I can get some decent pictures of my items they will go up in the shop.

Lastly, check out what I won! 

Had a giveaway earlier this month and I WON!  WOO HOO!

A lovely necklace featuring Beatles lyrics!  I love it!

Special thanks to Jesse Anne!    

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Birds nest!

I made this birds nest this weekend and wanted to share! 

It is available for purchase in my etsy shop.

I think I'll make a few more this weekend and see how they look decorated.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Beautiful Spring Weekend

 After 5 weeks in a row of cleaning, activities, and obligations to attend to, I finally had a weekend that required NO effort on my part.

So how did I spend my weekend?

Making flowers!

 I instagramed them (LOVE INSTAGRAM)!

I crocheted several little flowers....these are now paired with matching streatchy headbands for a birthday gift for a friends baby.

I then decided to make some satin petal blossoms.  I took pics of these before the rhonestone center was added.

These two are my ABSOLUTE favorites!  They are a gift for someone who just found out she is having a girl!!! 

I even added a few to my etsy shop...and hopefully will add more colors soon!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March is here!

My goals for Feb were:

To earn $100 in sales. 
     I earned $50.  I'll just keep trying. :)

To start fixing up my living room.
     I was worried that I would never be able to get new couches...and

::::PRAISE the LORD::::

  I got NEW *to me* Couches! A family from church was upgrading and offered theirs for sale for just $100! They are in GREAT condition and the best couches I have ever had!

My brother needed his car cleaned and offered me $100 to clean it....a few days later the couches were offered for sale!   This same family also gave me a queen bedroom set for free!  I feel so blessed!

Now for my March goals:

$100 in sales  (till I get it!)

Start decorating the living room. :)  I've got so many ideas from pinterest that I just need to pick colors and get to crafting!

Speaking of crafting...

I made my sister a little something for her class tomorrow!

She teaches Pre-K and asked if  I could make "Green eggs and ham."  So fun to make those eggs...the ham...not so much.

The Kinder teacher at her school asked if I could make a "Sam I Am" hat for her.  This is what I came up with.

I sure hope the kids enjoy celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday tomorrow at school!

Happy Friday everyone!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

...I'm still here...

I've been MIA!

At the beginning of Feb I had decided to make a personal goal of 2 blog postings a week.   As you can see that hasn't happened.

Life all of a sudden got a little busier for me.  I am not complaining!

My part time babysitting job went to all week at the beginning of the month.  My weekday evenings are filled with house stuff, church church stuff, and taking care of my niece 2 evening out of the week.  Of course, Weekends are filled with spending time with my family..running around and getting stuff done, and of course church.

I've decided not to stress myself out with this blog. 

I love writing...I love crafting and sharing...and I love that I have an outlet for when I am inspired.  I love connecting and getting to know the people who read my blog...I will still be here...I just wont be here as often.

Lots of Love!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012



v. craved, crav·ing, craves
1. To have an intense desire for.
2. To need urgently; require.
3. To beg earnestly for; implore. 

I've been reading Made to Crave  and WOW oh WOW am I LOVING this! I really want to invest in the bible study that follows this book. Soon I hope.....soon.

I haven't read the entire book just yet.  I stopped at chapter 3 and started over because I wanted to meditate and savor each chapter.  I've been reading and re-reading chapter one this past week. 
Reading this is helping me realize that my craving for food is a misplaced craving. 
God created us with a craving for Him.  
When did I start desiring food more than God?  How did I start needing food more than I thought that I needed God?  
Lord, help me to crave You.  Help me to become so saturated in Your Word, that nothing else can satisfy me.  Amen.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The end of the month is here and I wanted to evaluate my "January 2012 Mini Goals."

At the beginning of the year I challenged myself to not make a year long resolutions, but rather shorter monthly goals to work on.

January goals were to:

1.  Get more organized

2. Try to make $100 in sales this month and set that aside for a new laptop. did I do?

I'm really been proud of myself in getting things organized for church and volunteer activities!   *yea me!*

I usually just have huge piles of  papers and know what pile holds what info...but now I have notebooks and folders holding all of my info together.

ALSO....I bought  myself a cheap $1.00 monthly calendar to keep in my purse to organize my "thoughts" and obligations.  Normally I 'try' to keep all my activities in my head but that doesn't work out too well.

As you can see...Feb is filling up nicely!

So how did I do on my second goal to try to make $100 is sales and put that aside? much as I tried...I only made a little over $50.00. I would love to tell you all that I saved it...but I can't.  I needed the money for a bill.  I am however So thankful to the LORD for allowing me the means to pay that bill.

Now onto February goals!

1.  I'd like to again try to reach $100 in sales for this month and try to set it aside for a new laptop.

2.  MY LIVING ROOM!!!!  I need a new couch (not sure how to handle this problem yet), to steam clean the carpet, and then I can have fun DECORATING!!  (I'm looking forward to this goal.)

How are y'all doing with your goals and/or resolutions?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy Sunday!!

I wanted to share a  giveaways with you all just in case you missed it!

Coopy over at The Stitching Coop is giving away a BEAUTIFUL PILLOW!  The giveaway ends Feb 12 and there are lots of ways to enter!  You really should go check it out!

Love ya Coopy!!! 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Giveaway Winner!!

We have a winner!!!

I used to pick a number....and the number was "3"!

Congrats to:

I want to thank each of you for making this giveaway a success!

Marilyn, I will be contacting you about your prize!!!  :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

...My journey begins....

I'm taking small steps to battling this weight.

Right now I'm waiting on two books from amazon! 

The first is Crave: Why You Binge Eat and How to Stop Cynthia M. Bulik Ph.D.

The second is Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food,  by Lysa TerKeurst.

The second book I mentioned was at the suggestion of a fellow blogger.  Thea from Collide(Thanks Girl!)  Love her blog! Y'all should go check it out. Her January 14th post was a gentle reminder for me! ;)

 What about exercise you ask?  Its not enough just to read about why you are overweight.

My friends closest to me know that I suffer from gout.  Just the word 'gout'  can send shivers  down my spine.

One of the little known problems about gout is that a flare up is always one toe bump away.  Even overworking foot and knee joints can bring on a flare up.  Not fun!

So when I choose an exercise,it has to be VERY low impact.  As much as I would love to join a gym with a pool, I cannot afford that.  So, for now, I have a dvd that I will begin to try.  I'll modify as much as I can and let you know all about it on another post.  Who knows, it may just turn into a humorous read for you.

 Oh and NOT forget the giveaway!!  click here!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Things I've been working on.

Oh if only there were more hours in the day....

Here are a few of the crafty things I've been making.

Lots of hearts

A necklace

A slouch hat with a red rose

This week looks kinda crazy too. What are you all working on?

Don't forget the giveaway!!

Click here to go there!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Designs & Giveaway!!!

I've been trying to add more pieces to my etsy shop that combine my two favorite hobbies.  Crochet and jewelry making.  That task alone is time consuming for me 'cause it takes me forever to think up a design that I just fall in love with.  Then comes the hard part....photographing it!

Am I the only one who has trouble with this?

I am so hit and miss with my photography.  I really should have payed more attention in my Photo Journalism class in high school.

Here are my latest two pieces.

::::: giveaway:::::

I'm giving away one of my NEW designs! You choose which piece you would like!

Here is how to enter:

1.  Follow this blog.  Leave a comment letting me know if you are a follower or if you are a new follower.

2. Like me on Facebook.
Leave a comment here letting me know you do.

Easy Peasy!

The giveaway will end on Wednesday January the 25th.  Winner will be chosen using, and announced Thursday January the 26th.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

::Sweet Valentines Jewelry::

When I started blogging and selling on etsy, I noticed that by the time I made a seasonal item, it was always too late to blog about it or list it on etsy.

Lesson learned.  I need to stay ahead of the seasons with my stuff.

So I'm starting early!     *yea me!* 

I'm finishing up some jewelry pieces for Valentines Day and I couldn't wait to share with all of you, my  first few completed pieces! 

What do you think?  

I've just listed them on etsy.  You can purchase the earrings alone, or the Necklace alone.  Of course, you could purchase the set.

Simple and sweet, I absolutely adore how they came out!

:::::HEADS UP:::::

Later during the week I will be having a giveaway!!!   I'm working on the items still and  can not wait to get them photographed!

You guys  be sure to check back here soon!  You do not want to miss it!

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I know I need to change.

I can count about 3 times in my life where I have been a size 14. (my smallest size)  Pretty sad considering that size 14 is "fat" to most people. 

I've never been to counseling about my weight issue, but if I ever did, the first thing out of my mouth would go something a little like this.

     " I just don't understand.  Is it possible to have the polar opposite of anorexia? When I look into the mirror I sometimes do not see myself as big as I really am."

And that is the honest truth.

How the heck could I have not seen this.  One day I just kind of 'woke up' and saw myself at this size. 

I mean...I knew that I was fat. I've always known this.  I was drinking Diet Coke in Middle School when it really tasted bad.  Middle school probably marks the beginning of my lifetime battle of the bulge. 

I just didn't see myself as that fat.  You know?   Then I got bigger, and got to a point where I could barely walk to the mailbox without my back hurting or losing my breath.

My relationship with food is terrible.

I eat when I'm happy. 
I eat when I'm sad. 
I eat when I'm bored.
I eat when other people eat. 
I eat just because its there. 

Bottom line. I eat.  I eat a lot. 

Oh yea...and I don't exercise.

I knew before the New Year that I would be blogging about my struggle with my weight.  I want to blog about my struggles.  I want to blog about my successes.  i want to blog about my failures.

So here I am. 
(with my ADORABLE niece)

I'm blogging about it.  It's not fun for me to share this.  It's kind of embarrassing actually.  But I know it will change.

I know I will change.

Now to figure out where to start.....................

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Its been a while...


My computer crashed and I haven't been online since mid November.  AAACK!

I'm here now though! :)  Borrowing my mother’s computer and trying to get things listed in my etsy shop.  Catching up on my blog reading.  Oh yeah...and doing a little job hunting.

It's the new year and I decided to make a slight variation on the "New Year's Resolutions."  Instead of making some huge outrageous resolutions for the year....I am setting a few goals for myself each month.

January goals:  
                      1- Become a little more organized.  Truthfully I need to get a wholelotta organized, but these are just baby steps here.  I dont want to get crazy or anything.

                      2- Try to make $100.00 in sales and set that money aside to start a new computer fund. Again, baby steps.

So this week, I started organizing the crafty things that were scattered in the garage.  I haven't touched the crafty mess in the bedroom yet....or in the laundry room.  :/

While I was cleaning I discovered I have WAY too many beanies sitting around.  So, throughout the month I will be posting them on my facebook page and etsy shop.  They are all sizes and styles, and will be listed are really great prices.  Keep an eye out for them you may find something you need!

These 3 infant and toddler beanies were just listed.
This adult beanie will go up on etsy tomnorrow.

Did any of you make resolutions?