Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy Friday!

While I try to figure out my own blog schedule, (any suggestions?)  today I will just give an update as to what I've been up to.  

1- Trying to figure out the code for a "Grab button"  AARRGGG!
2- Babysitting an ADORABLE 7 month old.
3- Coming up with my next crafty tutorial.
4- Brainstorming for a guest post in the month of October. *EEEK!*
5. Trying to catch up on some crochet orders.  

I've neglected the cleaning...maybe I'll do that this weekend. ;)

I hope you all have a FABULOUS WEEKEND! :)


  1. this weekend I found your blog on etsy. ^_^ Then you gained a new follower.
    ~ Hellos from ~

  2. I guess I don't have a strict blogging schedule. I write when I want to talk about something but lately I've been doing the 30 days of blogging thing :) I'm on day 4 now. Anyway, I like your blog. It's super cute!

    xo, Samantha
